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MUSO Calculations

These images show the sequence of calculations used to derive a final mark in MUSO.

Sums to 30.

ProgOutOf is 30 for most students. Special consideration on progressive assessments is incorporated by manually reducing this, thus substituting exam for missed assessments. It is not necessary to have both Prog and Prog%, but convenient.

The sum with variable weighting for missed assessments.

Inf is a large number, currently 99999. The 44.5 would be better as 44.4999. A mark exactly equal to this gives an undefined final mark, and 44.4999 is less likely than 44.5. Temp is needed, as combining it with PassHurdle involves nested functions,which are not supportted by MUSO gradebook.

Gives 1 if hurdles are passed

Note that rounding does not appear possible in MUSO. This will have to be done after exporting.

dlm June 2007